Welcome to LitPapArs
Greek and Latin Literary Papyri from Graeco-Roman and Late Antique Fayum

Greek and Latin literary papyri are the tangible remains of an intricate phenomenon: the diffusion of ‘Classical’ literary heritage from the original centers to the far East. As such, they play a key role for the reconstruction of crucial historical processes: the developing of an early ‘cultural globalization’, its local declinations, its fading.
LitPapArs is a tool designed to approach that focusing on evidence from a specific region: the Fayum, where Greek and Latin literature was read from early Hellenistic age to decades after the Arab conquest.

Until now, more than 1000 literary papyri from Fayum have been published. The website offers a comprehensive, serchable catalogue of them, including information on their contents, philological characteristics, provenance, physical features, and palaeography, as well as digital images or links to reproductions.
A map will enable you to browse the contents on a topographic base.

The site is a product of the PRIN Project “Greek and Latin Literary Papyri from Fayum: Texts, Contexts, Readers” – Principal Investigator L. Del Corso (Università di Salerno), Co-Investigators F. Maltomini (Università di Firenze – Istituto Papirologico “G. Vitelli”), S. Perrone (Università di Genova), N. Reggiani and S. Gibellini (Università di Parma).

To access the collection and begin your exploration, click here.

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